* was born in Rome at 10:30 .Was a beautiful baby of 4 kilos and 100 grs and he is the youngest of 3 children: his siblings are Fernando Nesta(his older brother and confidant. Currently in charge of all of Sandro's affairs as his manager) and Katia Nesta, his older sister, who sadly passed away in feb2000. * has a happy childhood in his quarter of Cinecittà , in the suburbs of Rome. He attends the primary school at "Margherita Bosco" * chose play football because his doctor recommended him to practise a sport since he has some problems with his back * when was child, always played football in a little field near home with his brother and some friends. When he was 8, he started to play in a real football team. * has been playing with Lazio since he was 9, a quite long time devoted to Lazio! * became internationally known when he accidently broke Paul Gascoigne's leg during a training session. Some people said that Sandro cried, but Gazza didn't blaim him, because it was an onfortunate accident. * and Fabio Cannavaro have known each other the longest in the national teams (under 16 through to seniors) ... He is good friend lately with Tomassi (AS Roma) and has shared rooms with Cannavaro and Del Vecchio * lives together with his fiancée, Gabriella , for over a year now, in a private, residential area called Olgiata near Formello, where Lazio's training center is based. * loves chocolate! He admitted he once ate 3 kilo's of Dolce in a couple of daysduring the summer holidays (1999). He knows it is bad for his condition, but he cannot resist them. * has a labrador called Pino (Italian for Goofy, his favourite Disney character)and a cat called Fernando * played a cameo role in a movie called "Papparazzi". * recently signed a new contract with Lazio, which should keep him secure at the club until 2006. He is now the best payed defender in the world (5$ million per season) * wears a golden ring, what looks like a wedding ring, on his left ringfinger, since September 2000. When asked about it, he claims it is a present ... He believes he is too young still for marriage, but when he is ready to have children (and he wants many!), you will find him at the altar. * has his first love at age 13 (and it's a secret) * when asked what kind of girls he likes, although he claims he is not attracted to other girls, because his heart belongs to Gabriella, he says: tall, latino type, gentle and intelligent (he doens't like ignorant girls) * is very strongly against invasion of his privacy. He refuses to answer questions about his private life, because he believes his life off the pitch belongs to him. He also stays far away from 'tabloid press' infested parties and prefers to live a calm life at home. * There has been quite some controversy about the issue whether was chanted "Juve, Juve Vafancullo!"("Juve, Juve Fuck Off!") or not, with Lazio fans at the end of the'Scudetto'season. He claimed he was not in the group who shouted those words ... though his mother confronted him the next day, for she believed she had heard his voice... * played a lot in midfield when he was younger, but guarantees that he has a defenders feet. * believes that his greatest asset as a player is his mind, because he can stays concentrated for long periods of time. Therefore Nesta admits that there are many defects, too many to mention... but if he had to name one, would be his feet ...He'd like to have better control. (?!?!?!) * thinks that there many problems in football...but the biggest problem at moment, for players, is the doping. For him, Its a strange situation that has not been regulated correctly and the effects of it have been ignored. Then there are other issues like racism * as didn't study to much, probably would be in another sport, like tennis, if he was not footballer. * admits that his worst personal habit is wake up very late. When he's not in training he gets up at one oclock. * loves to wind down in the countryside. He retreats to the old house of his grandmother(mother's side), because when he shuts the front door there, he leaves the world outside and can truely relax.