* was nicknamed "Pelado" at the time where he played in River (ARG), for having the very short hair and close to the head. Well, the hair grew, but the nickname stayed! * is much catholic and for account of his religious formation, he received as second name"Jesus ". Moreover, Mati has in arm one tattoo of Jesus * has two sisters older than him. His father says that Mati, when child, caught slippers of his sisters, who paved almost the same number, to play in a land close to his house. His mother says that it is a tender person, sweety and, that although grown, asked for to takehis breakfast in the bed * in the beginning, liked to attack, in soccer. Later he passed to be midfielder. * always that has one days of recess, goes for his hometown , Azul (Blue city) where he is received with much affection for the local community * was married in 98 and in the following year, he was broken up. Currently he lives with a ex TV reporter, Luciana, with who has a daughter, Sofia * loves objects in gold, by the way, gold objects are his favourite gifts! he adores adornments as rings, bracelets and laces, and he doesn't take off them nor to enter in field. Mati guarantees that he is fan of the Gold brightness since small. * when he was to try the luck in the River Plate, in the beginning he wasn't accepted and be disappointed. Mati thought about leave the soccer. Thanks to the bracket of the family, he didn't give up and fought for this ideal * painted white stripes in his blue Fiat, happy with the victories of Argentina in the World Cup 90, and later he left to commemorate in the center of his city * confesses that if he had 15 years again, would not leave of Azul, because the World of soccer is very false and everything is part of a business * admits that, because of soccer, he didn't have a normal teenage as of any boy, therefore lacked time to be with the family, friends, to leave to dance... Mati guarantees that he would like done everything this in the certain age * dances very well the malambo (Popular dance executed exclusively by men) . In World Cup 98, when the Soledad singer visited the concentration Argentine, Mati gave a dance show, surprising her! * is godfather of an institution called " La Casa del Niņo " (Child's Home) and every year ends, he distributes toys, remedies and gifts for the children of the institution * promised and fulfilled:he said that if the Lazio gained Scuddetto 99/2000, would cut his hair. And he does it! Not much, but he cut, after all, the proper Mati said that he would cut his hair, but few centimeters, in more, not! * used little braids in the hair during a period. Sincerely, he was pretty and much more sexy! * admires very much the football of Vieri. * doesn't like to watch games for the TV, only likes to play. But when to finish the career, guarantees that he will not go to the fields nor to watch the games. It doesn't want to be coach, nor entrepreneur of the soccer branch, nor nothing. * when finds argentinean friends, as the Cholo Simeone, carries through great barbecues. Moreover, Mati is the " Official barbecue maker"of meeting * he is much friend of the Cholo Simeone. * adores motto and goes to the Italian concessionaires of motto very often. * said, in interview, that the music that more listening in Italy is " La Cumbia " * said, initially, that he would leave the soccer career with 28 years. Later he changed for 29, 30 years. Currently he doesn't say with that age will leave the fields, although to have conscience of that after the 30 he'll not have the same physical conditioning that he has now... we go to wait to see! * intends to come back to Azul when stop to play. He likes life in the countryside and wants to take care of of farm, to work in the land and to milk cows, surrounded of his family * has a very special relation with the religion and believes in God above of everything * is this way: a simple man, who says the front things, without roundups.