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* * * * * ATTENTION! * * * * *
Your request WILL BE SOLELY ANALYSED, but it DOESN'T mean that it will be accepted. We will try to respect all requests received last year, but from now on there's NO guarantee that YOUR REQUEST will be accepted in this NEW AGE because of many reasons, just like requests for unknown players and absurd/abusive requests. Players requests that disrespect the RULES right WILL NOT be analysed and will be REJECTED . Please, use your good sense and DON'T write the name of your request several times, because in this new age the NUMBER of requests DOESN'T MATTER anymore! So is just write once. Thank you for your attention!
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NEW * RULES 1 - The pool below is ONLY FORM to ask your favorite player. E-mail form will be rejected
2 - DO NOT write several times your request , because the number of requests is not the priority anymore.
3 - Requests by e-mail WILL BE REJECTED just like Guestbook's form 4 - We only build galleries of players which play in EUROPEAN MAIN leagues
5 - From now on, your request WILL BE only ANALYSED. We don't guarantee that it will be ACCEPTED