PROFILEDate Of Birth: March, 27, 1974 . Place: Bilbao - Spain Height: 173 cm Weight: 69 Kg Zodiac: Aries Nickname: Mendi Marital Status: Married with Carmina, has a daughter, Haize Team: SS Lazio - Spain
 PERSONAL'S DROPSMovie: JFK , or anyone of Stanley Kubrik Actor: Robert de Niro Actress: Jessica Lange Singer: Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, Bauhaus, La habitación roja, Los Planetas and The Doors Soccer Idol: Di Stéfano, Gullit Hobby: music, be with friends, drink beer, chating... Car: one of sportive model Favorite Dish: Paella Book: "Alta fidelidad" - Nick Hornvy
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* is, in fact, Gaizka Mendieta Zabala * When was a boy, was vice-champion in 1000 meters with obstacles * his father was goalkeeper, European Champion with Real Madrid in the season 65/66. * Has two brothers. * received a proposal from 1 million dollars to be protagonist in a film about soccer in England. But he refuted, therefore he's a footballer and not an actor * doesn't consider an extrovert man and this also influenced his decision of not to participated of this film * admits that he isn't so tranquil like everybody thinks * Likes to play his guitar electric ( Gibson Les Paul guitar). * prefers vinyl disks (he is collector, has more than 400) for presentation and for disign, but he recognizes that the CDs is more practical. * thinks that the family is the most important thing, for always supporting, to help. Either in the good ones or the bad moments, his family stay together with him * When the soccer allows, he goes to Los Planetas (Spanish band) shows. This exactly group invited him to participat of one videoclip, but Gaizka couldn't go because of hiscommitments with the soccer * his favorite cartoon is "The Simpsons" * was named for the German women as one of the 10 most beautiful European soccer players. * is humble, tranquil, cautious and silenced. He runs away from the fame, he prefers the anonymity * Likes any type of rock, 60, 70... * in the food's time, always folloies with water or wine * plays games as " Fifa 2000 ", " Command & Conquer ", " Quake ", " Colin Mc Rae "... * had his movements "captured" for the game Fifa 2001. * has as "vices" to read and to be with his friends * Guarantee that he doesn't go to cut his hair now, but in the future, he doesn't guarantee that he will continue with the same look * is an internet fan assumed and in the concentrations, he is one of that surfs with more assiduity. He revises his accounts banking, confers the musical offers, reads periodicals, e-mails and participates of chat * left the studies to follow soccer career with 18 years old, but she followed learning English * is very friend of Claudio López. Mendi be happy in saying that both had grown together in the soccer. He says that with Piojo learned what is the value of a friendship in a team * in summer, plays tennis and basketball