* was born in Viseu, in a house that today belongs his uncles. * in childhood used to pass the days with his father in a kitchen garden that they cultivated. * with 15 years, for two times he was ready to return to his city with his baggages, but decided to stay in the Benfica team. Today Sousa says that it was his first great decision. * his first vocation was to be primary professor. * his father is mechanic of mottos and his mother is dressmaker. * always was very shy but extremely sensible to the problems of all that surround him. * when says that he's shy, Paulo opposes the fame that was feaster despite he was calm. * in his teenage didn't have none serious girlfriend. He confess that was always very difficulty to approach, because of his shyness. Out of his Country he guarantees that improved a little, but Paulo wasn't a spontaneous person. * still remembers perfectly his trip to the Capital of his Country, Lisbon, with 15 years when he was to join the Benfica team. His mother was kneel and grasped to his legs, asking for he not to go. Paulo said that he cried too much and that it wasn't easy for him... he only had visited Lisbon two times, with his parents, to Cristo-Rei. * the first thing that bought with his first salaries, which he still keeps religiously in the house of his parents, was a cashmere pullover. * almost all his team mates bought a car with 18 years. But Paulo only bought his car with 21, because first he decided to buy an apartment for his parents to live better, with more comfort. * gave to his parents the condition of have their own job to work to themselves. * knew Cristina in a dinner of common friends. * in the beginning of his marriage avoided to speak about his work, but after Cristina get accustomed with these things and today, when he has some problem openly argues it with his wife who participates, thinks and has given a precious aid for his balance. * says that his wife is an excellent cook. * his daughter Maria born in Turin (Italy). * was voted Serie A's Player of the Year at 1994 season. * was surprised when the Inter Milan's president, Moratti, said that he needed his personality and character, just to Paulo pass these qualities to other players in the team. * already reached the top of his international career as footballer. Was World Champion of clubs, European Champion twice for different teams, and elect the best player of the "calcio" in 94/95 * cares about humanitarian aid, in special to the children. * founded a soccer school for disfavored children * with the money that earns, spends a lot with his daughter and also with well-being of his family. Moreover, he makes donations for unproctected children Institutions and the remaining portion goes for real estate investments. * guarantees that he's positive for nature and because it always believes in the future. * says that the sensation of being a public person is an enormous responsibility because he has to pay a great attention to the youth that looks him. * believes in God and thinks that to help the disfavored children is one of the purposes that God destined to him. Paulo has an enormous faith in the new generations and believes that we have the obligation to facilitate the future to them. * is very religious, although doesn't go very often to the Church because of his professional tasks. But he affirms that God understand it and never left to be with him. * assures that the word of a man matters more than everything. * thinks that the man has always to have his objetives and if he will not have them, has to create them. * still today cries in certain circumstances and doesn't have shame of say it. * always liked to have his own domain, despite to assume that some times (not many) he exceeded himself with drinks, he guarantees that doesn't use to drink ... even when he won titles. * thinks that the soccer is very pretty when well played and without injuries. Therefore, when enters in field he asks for God that nobody hurt. * while liveed in Greece, decided to develop the English language in an American school. His wife and daughter had to follow him. * admits that in certain things he is very traditionalistic. * doesn't believe that one day will break his marriage, but if this happened, guarantees that would use condom, with absolute certainty.